Панеттоне PANETTONE з Нутеллою на заквасці 750 г РОЗПРОДАНО

1 499 UAH

Склад: Борошно з мякої пшениці Panettone, масло вершкове 82%, яйця курячі, цукор, вода питна, шоколад молочний, шоколад чорний, мед, молоко сухе, цедра лимону та апельсину, нутелла, горіх фундук, какао, крохмаль кукурудзяний, палички ванілі, сіль.

Вага: 700 г.

Енергетична цінність на 100 г: 377 Ккал/1584 кДж
Поживна (харчова цінність )на 100 г: білки - 7,5 г, жири - 14,0 г, вуглеводи - 53,0 г.


Terms of delivery and payment

Panettone - традиційна італійська солодка випічка, має неймовірно ніжну та повітряну текстуру, приємний аромат ванілі та цукатів. Італійська рецептура ферментації упродовж 48 годин та 72 годин роботи panettone дозволяють розвивати глибокий відтінок смаку в кожному шматочку.

Delivery in the city of Vinnytsia:
When ordering from UAH 990, delivery within the city is FREE.
When ordering up to UAH 990:

69 UAH (up to 3 km)

99 UAH (from 3 - 15 km)

Delivery is carried out by a taxi service.

Delivery to other cities of Ukraine:
According to carriers' tariffs.

Order payment
In cash

Cash payment upon receipt of goods is possible in all chain stores in Ukraine. Payment is made exclusively in the national currency. We issue you a sales receipt as confirmation of payment.

Payment by card on the website

Payment of the order online with a Visa or MasterCard bank card. Delivery of goods is possible only after confirmation of payment.

You can pay for your order online with a Visa or MasterCard bank card. Payment by payment cards is carried out in the following way: when placing an order on the website, you will be asked to choose a payment method. In the Payment column, you need to select "Payment by card on the website".

After that, you will be redirected to the page of the bank's secure payment system, where you will need to confirm the payment.

Please note that only the client whose full name was entered on the website during the application process can receive the goods paid for by payment card, therefore, when receiving the order, you must have your passport with you.

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